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Join Us
The main purpose of the ScotlandTheMap project is to maximise the discovery and use of the existing knowledge resources about the essential building blocks of the nation. Thus anybody can view our knowledge maps online from within the individual map posts, but to download them as HTML5 files for viewing offline in any modern browser, on any device, without additional plugins, you will need to register for basic (free) membership.
If you are already a user of MindManager software, or you want to take it to the next level and amend, adapt & repurpose ScotlandtheMap knowledge maps for your own use, you will need PRO membership so you can download the maps in the original MindManager (.mmap) file format.

Angus McDonald
Scotland The Map Project Director and Knowledge Mappers Founder & CEO
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Already a member? Login below…
Anybody can view the html version of our knowledge maps online from within the individual map posts, however to download the HTML5 file – for viewing on or offline in any modern browser, on any device, without additional plugins – you will need to register for basic membership (it’s free 🙂 To download the original map in MindManager (.mmap) format – for amending, adapting & repurposing in MindManager software – you will need PRO membership, available for a modest annual, or one off lifetime, fee. Already joined? Login below.
The main purpose of the ScotlandTheMap project is to maximise the discovery and use of the existing knowledge resources about the essential building blocks of the nation. Thus anybody can view our knowledge maps online from within the individual map posts, but to download them as HTML5 files for viewing offline in any modern browser, on any device, without additional plugins, you will need to register for basic (free) membership.
If you are already a user of MindManager software, or you want to take it to the next level and amend, adapt & repurpose ScotlandtheMap knowledge maps for your own use, you will need PRO membership so you can download the maps in the original MindManager (.mmap) file format.

For anybody who is interest in knowledge resources about Scotland...-
View all knowledge maps as fullscreen HTML5 web-pages
Download all knowledge maps as HTML5 files for viewing on or offline, in any modern browser, on any device
Already a basic member and want to take it to the next level?

Pro (Annual)
...and is a user of MindManager (or other) information mapping software-
As per Basic Membership plus...
Download all knowledge maps as MindManager (.mmap) files for full feature viewing, amending & adapting - in whole or in part - for your own purposes in MindManager software
Billed annually
- PayPal
*Will continue to operate in ‘read only’ mode after the trial period so it can still be used to view & use ScotlandTheMap knowledge maps in MindManager format even if you choose not to buy a licence. That said we will provide you with the Knowledge Mappers official partner discount code when you join so you can buy MindManager for less 🙂

Pro (Lifetime)
...and really loves what we are doing and wants us to keep on doing it-
As per Basic Membership plus...
Download all knowledge maps as MindManager (.mmap) files for full feature viewing, amending & adapting - in whole or in part - for your own purposes in MindManager software
One off payment
- PayPal
*Will continue to operate in ‘read only’ mode after the trial period so it can still be used to view & use ScotlandTheMap knowledge maps in MindManager format even if you choose not to buy a licence. That said we will provide you with the Knowledge Mappers official partner discount code when you join so you can buy MindManager for less 🙂
Have you found our knowledge maps about the ‘national local building blocks of Scotland’ useful? Then why not donate to say thanks and help fund future work on ScotlandTheMap.
- PayPal
Bodies, Organisations, Communities & Projects
It’s early days of the ScotlandTheMap project but going forward we are keen to engage with others supporting the daily life of Scotland and working for the ‘common weal (good)’, whilst generating an income stream to help fund future work.
For public sector and commercial bodies we can arrange multiple user accounts, flexible invoicing and commercial licencing if you would like to use our knowledge maps in MindManager format for full feature viewing, amending & adapting – in whole or in part – for your own professional purposes. We can also create bespoke maps on a commercial consultancy basis, and add them to the project library where appropraite for the benefit of everybody.
We are also keen to support the work of education / third sector / community bodies & projects.
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and potential collaboration.

Map Finder Panel
Use the tools in this panel, which is included on every page (as is the sticky menu at the top of every page) – to find the maps you are looking for. You can do a free text search, or filter by category, tag or publication date. Alternatively you can just browse the ‘All Map Listing’, or the ‘knowledge map of knowledge maps’ at the foot of this (and every) page for one that catches your eye.
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Please share this page with your networks so that as many people, organisations and communities as possible can benefit from the Scotland the Map project knowledge maps.